Our Mission

Our mission is simple: provide a cost effective, client focused service that is performed efficiently, safely, and effectively. We pride ourselves on maintaining service provider partnerships rooted in transparency, and with a focus on continued service performance development and growth.

Supplier Diversity

North East Weathered Services (NEWS) is a woman-owned and minority business. We are currently in the process of partnering with and certifying through the Massachusetts Supplier Diversity Office. NEWS is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in all of aspects of our business practices, including annual diversity, equity, and inclusion training, and participation in industry specific professional growth opportunities for our company and it’s employees.

Given NEWS is a self performing company, 100% of the total contract amount, will be spent with a WBE on an annual contract basis.

As a woman owned business, we feel strongly that we have a responsibility to help drive change, not only within the walls of our business, but through those with whom we choose to partner. We understand and are committed to the importance of establishing and maintaining a culture of inclusivity and belonging. Accomplishing this means we believe in the required shift from awareness to empathy and actively modeling inclusive leadership behaviors that cultivate a greater sense of trust among our team and our partners.

We are firm in our commitment and resolve to continue to sharpen our focus on supporting a diverse and equitable working environment while advancing meaningful progress, every day, in the work we do.

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